Spring boot with Retry Mechanism
Spring Retry:
Spring provides Retry mechanism by adding dependency in pom file. Spring Retry provides an ability to automatically re-invoke the failed operation. By using the Spring Retry provided annotations.
Required Dependencies:
Spring AOP also required to work with Retry implementation.
Spring Retry Annotations:
- Enable Retry:
To enable retry we need to add below annotation on Spring boot main class.
It will be imported from org.springframework.retry.annotation.EnableRetry package.
- Retryable: This annotation will be used at method level, indicates that method execution will be retryable if specified exception is occured based on maximum attempts and delay between the each attempt.
@Retryable(value = Exception.class, maxAttempts = 3, backoff = @Backoff(delay = 3000))
@Backoff: we should add a backoff policy to execute retry policy. otherwise till maximum attempts it will be retry for every milli seconds with no gap.
- Recover: This annotation will be used at fallback method level. After maximum attempts if still exception occurs, then it will be recovered by the fallback method.
If Recover method not using then exception will be returned for the retryable method.
Retry with multiple exceptions:
we can retry with multiple exceptions using curly braces. like below.
value = {TypeOneException.class, TypeTwoException.class},
maxAttempts = 4, backoff = @Backoff(2000))
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