Spring Rest API Request Body Validation
Before processing the request body validation is must. We can validate the request body by using hibernate and Javax Validation dependency.
Maven Dependencies
After adding dependency bean validation is automatically enabled by JSR-303 implementation. because bean validator dependencies available at classpath.
Bean Validation Annotations:
Add the bean validation annotations in Request Body DTO or Model classes.
import javax.validation.constraints.NotEmpty;
public class Student {
@NotEmpty(message = "Name must not be empty")
private String name;
@NotNull(message = "Code must not be null")
private String code;
- @NotEmpty denotes annotated field must not be null nor empty
- @NotNNull denotes annotated field not null but can be empty.
- @Size validates that the annotated property value has a size between the attributes min and max; can be applied to String, Collection, Map, and array properties.
- @Email validates that the annotated property is a valid email address.
- @NotBlank can be applied only to text values and validates that the property is not null or whitespace.
Add @Valid annotation:
The @Valid annotation is used to specify the rest controller to be validated. The spring boot application validates the method before it is called.
public class StudentController {
private StudentService service;
public Student saveStudent(@Valid @RequestBody Student student) {
return service.save(student);
Handle Constraint Violation Exception:
In case any validation failures spring will throw a Runtime Exception. we can handle it and return a meaningful json response using ExceptionHandler annotation.
public class CustomExceptionHandler extends ResponseEntityExceptionHandler
public final ResponseEntity<ErrorResponse> handleConstraintViolation(
ConstraintViolationException ex,
WebRequest request)
List<String> details = ex.getConstraintViolations()
.map(e -> e.getMessage())
ErrorResponse error = new ErrorResponse(BAD_REQUEST, details);
return new ResponseEntity<>(error, HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);